Friday, July 30, 2010

Journey 4/5

slipped up and missed documenting day 4, so will combine both 4/5 into today's entry. Well its official I need a plan for meals. My downfall this week has been poor planning, I definitely cut way back on the fast food, ate less and exercised every evening for 30-40 minutes. However I could have done better if I had a solid plan for meals. So with today being pay day I am going to visit the grocery store tomorrow and pick out some healthy stuff for meals. I think if I can limit the fat and calories and continue to increase my walking I will start seeing results. This was a fair start but with my three day weekends comes opportunities both for good and bad. I must start increasing my speed and time when walking and work on smaller meals. I am hoping to get back to eating only when hungry. However tomorrow morning at our mens group a guy is fixing breakfast: eggs, biscuits and sasuage, I must eat in moderation. Probably the best thing this week has been the energy and lifting of my mood when exercising and after exercising. I really can tell a big difference about 20-25 minutes into the walk and up until I stop and for the rest of the evening. I am a much nicer person to be around. If your reading keep me in your prayers. I know God's will is for me to lean on him and lose this weight and keep it off and I am believing that His desire is for me to see healing in my heart. I have carried a lot of guilt over how I have not been a good steward of my health. I know I am the temple of His Spirit and I know that part of worship and walking in the spirit is self control. I pray for that fruit to be developed in me as I daily allow Him to strengthen me. I am still meditating on a lot of healing scriptures and asking God to increase my faith to go from a hope, to belief to knowing that He has healed me.

JC out...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

DAY 3 Can you feel the Rhythm of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah?

Day 3 has gone much like Day 2 and Day 1. Again no breakfast, threw together lunch but felt obligated to hang out with friends from work. So I ate my lunch turkey sandwich and potatoes (mashed) from Red Rose Inn. and then went to the Mexican Restaurant with co workers. I did indulge in some free chips and salsa. Today went rather fast as I was in two sessions of court, a clinical staffing, and had some individual sessions with clients. Praying for vision to see and battle plans for The Fight. Recently I had the opportunity to visit IHOP in Kansas City and was introduced to a worship leader Misty Edwards, I came back with two CDs and three DVDs of her leading worship @ IHOP. I am hearing the refrain of one of her songs calling out to me: I can feel the rhythm of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. As I walk tonight I Will offer up Praise and Worship to Jesus for He is alone Worthy, he started a new thing in me and I do not want it to stop. I want to go deeper. I again am reminded of Experiencing God Truth: For God is continually pursuing a love relationship with us. Scripture says he Yearns for us. So I will intentionally connect with the only One who truly satisfies. Thankful today for a wife who is not afraid to speak truth in Love to me when I need it. Thanks Val.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

DAY 2 The Journey continues

Today is day two of the journey to defeat the sloth within. Overall I had a good day
I definitely need to plan out breakfast, and watch it when I get home from work. Those
are two areas i could improve on. I work a four day week, getting up about 5:45 am and returning home around 6:00 pm. So I drive to work and sit all day at a desk and then drive
home. I chose to bring lunch today instead of going out with the crew to a fast food place. I
ate fruit apple and peaches for snack. And when I got home I ate a small bowl of chili and a sandwich. Its a start. I just finished walking for about 35 minutes listenting to switchfoot.
I dare you to move had a whole new literally meaning today as I was walking the lake.
On a personl note tomorrow is my 20th wedding anniversary to say that we have been through alot its quite an understatement. I am thankful for my wife and kids and that is a big reason i am
doing what i am doing now. Thankful for new mercy everyday. The promise I am clinging to and believing/meditating on today and for a while now James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Just think the God of the universe, creator of all heaven and earth drawing near... That's quite a promise, I want to go from Believing this to Knowing this deep on the inside.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Going Public

Monday July 26th 2010 @ 2:45 I am officially going public with my battle with the bulge.

I am doing it for real folks, no more talking and no walking it. The Plan: Eat Less, (MUCH LESS)

Move More (LOTS MORE) and invite God into the process. I am formally serving notice to

the fridge, fast food, and a whole host of glutton demons my relationship with you is over!!

Today I am going to help myself in the following ways: No more unhealthy snacks, I just

saw what I believe to be a Peach or and several apples and a watermelon in the fridge... Hmmm

do i even remember what these items taste like... So no more junkfood, and smaller portions.

I will walk tonight for a minimum of 30 minutes and I will enjoy it, yes I will. So to end with some truth: I deliberately choose to submit my whole Husky self to God and resist the enemy by denying the flesh pattern of (overeating and other couch potato activies or inactivities). If I can simply learn to submit to the master He in turn not allow anything other than Himself to Master me. I am reminded of a cardiac nurses encouraging words to me- Quit treating your body like a garbage can.... sobering thought. I am the temple of the Spirit....