Friday, July 30, 2010

Journey 4/5

slipped up and missed documenting day 4, so will combine both 4/5 into today's entry. Well its official I need a plan for meals. My downfall this week has been poor planning, I definitely cut way back on the fast food, ate less and exercised every evening for 30-40 minutes. However I could have done better if I had a solid plan for meals. So with today being pay day I am going to visit the grocery store tomorrow and pick out some healthy stuff for meals. I think if I can limit the fat and calories and continue to increase my walking I will start seeing results. This was a fair start but with my three day weekends comes opportunities both for good and bad. I must start increasing my speed and time when walking and work on smaller meals. I am hoping to get back to eating only when hungry. However tomorrow morning at our mens group a guy is fixing breakfast: eggs, biscuits and sasuage, I must eat in moderation. Probably the best thing this week has been the energy and lifting of my mood when exercising and after exercising. I really can tell a big difference about 20-25 minutes into the walk and up until I stop and for the rest of the evening. I am a much nicer person to be around. If your reading keep me in your prayers. I know God's will is for me to lean on him and lose this weight and keep it off and I am believing that His desire is for me to see healing in my heart. I have carried a lot of guilt over how I have not been a good steward of my health. I know I am the temple of His Spirit and I know that part of worship and walking in the spirit is self control. I pray for that fruit to be developed in me as I daily allow Him to strengthen me. I am still meditating on a lot of healing scriptures and asking God to increase my faith to go from a hope, to belief to knowing that He has healed me.

JC out...

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