Saturday, August 14, 2010

God Wants to BLESS me??!!?!

Well here it is Saturday August 14, 2010, Wow how did that happen, just the other
day the kids were getting out of school for summer, and now here we go again they are
getting ready for a new year. The workout and diet continue, today at men's group
it became the discussion, a new friend of mine from work emailed me a bunch of
stuff on something called the Hallalujiah Diet. Basically it says God created everything
and man has messed it all up. To be healthy and whole you have to go back to God's original
plan: Fruits, Veggies, Nuts, Fish, etc. Anyways in our group there is a mixture of people
struggling with weight and health concerns and fit/healthy types. The group is open to including exercise and accountability with nutrition. I actually weighed myself today @ men's group along
with another guy. I was very much encouraged by my friends concern and willingness to enter
into the journey with me. So my plan is to take one week off work in September and implement a new eating plan. I am going to prep myself for it over the next couple weeks. Will keep you posted. Anyways the truth or light that keeps repeatedly coming to me in all kinds of different messages lately is : God the Creator of the Universe wants to BLESS me. He demonstrated that by sending Jesus into his creation and while we were still enemies and rebellious he took on our sin and died for us and made peace available to us so that we might have LIFE/SALVATION/FULLNESS/WHOLENESS: I am gonna say it, it is not God's desire in any way shape or form to see me suffer with this weight, in this body, dragged down by any disease. I am hereby repenting and renouncing my weak, compartmentalized, mental, intellectual, conceptual faith and trading it in for A REAL FAITH THAT WORKS AND OPERATES IN THE NASTY NOW AND NOW, I am asking God to grow my faith to get to a place where I know deep inside that HE is for me not against me and that I am complete, whole and healed in Jesus. I am learning to rebuke lies and speak and live in TRUTH. I am sick and tired of shaming the blessings of God, I want to actually experience and live and see Him @ work in me and through me so others might see Him. So get away from me you sarcastic, lying, doubting, dark spirits I am embracing the One who is Life, whose spirit is ALIVE in me therefore I am Alive in HIM. As DC TALK says: Seperated I cut myself clean from a past that comes back in the darkest of dreams-Now branded by a spirtual force, someting, something, something oh yeah... Anyways I am consciously starting to evaluate my thoughts, what I watch and read and think on. As I think on Truth, Read Truth, Worship Truth, Speak Truth I find lies harder to live with. I wanna speak truth, hope, faith, love into myself and others no more doubt, foolishness and sarcasm that has yielded nothing but darkness. Jesus suffered, died, and raised from the dead for me to be healed, empowered and filled with Him to experience Life not misery and poor me and lack. Hope this encouraged someone today, will be back sooner rather than later.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The daily grind

Well, well, well, the real work of lifestyle change continues. Have not blogged in several days. Need to get back to daily journal of food and exercise. Must confess I have missed a day or two of walking. I am also considering on going extreme with veggies and fruits and cutting way back on meats, cheese, dairy products. A friend gave me some info about something called the Hallelujah Diet she is doing. I need to do something more intentional in this area. W/O cutting back I will never get this weight off. Walked with my wife last night. We also visited a church Sunday night and both were encouraged to begin aggressively believing and listening to God daily. We both want changes in our family, health and finances. The pastor preached a good message on quit shaming the blessings of God, I can't give out what I don't have whether that is Love, Forgiveness, Encouragement, Finances, etc. good stuff. Will update you guys more tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Outta the Dark into the Light

Oh I turned a major corner yesterday eight days into the journey. I had a major breakthrough
with my exercise routine and had much more energy to pick up the pace and go the distance.
I have not felt that good in a long time. I guess its partially due to diet and increased energy.
It felt so good to be able to increase my speed without fear. I am looking forward to tonight's workout. Look out Lake Hollingsworth you are next. I am up to 35-40 minutes, next week Lake Hollingsworth.

The other day I happened across a FB mutual acquaintance who is checking out universalism.
The person quoted an author I used to read many, many moons ago. This author was a hero
in the 60's and 70's as a journalist for Rolling Stone and writer following political campaigns. To paraphrase the quote: I make a brute/beast of myself to kill the pain of being a man. In otherwords I do all things in excess: drinking, drugging, etc. And am proud of it. This individual went on to commit suicide and leave behind family and friends. The ultimate in selfish self destruction. I thought how many different masks the enemy wears to rob, kill and destroy and am thankful that I have been transferred out of the kingdom of darkness and now am I resident in the kingdom of Light. That as a stranger in this world, nothing in this world can remotely come close to satisfying me. I am pressing in and getting in touch with the rhythm of heaven,
having fallen short of the Glory, but now being beckoned by the Glory to come and behold and as I behold I am transformed.


Sunday, August 1, 2010


Now that I am on a four day work week, I get a long three day weekend. I have Monday's off. Time to choose Life and the Narrow Way or the Broad Way that leads to you know...
So this weekend has gone ok, I did not eat to bad Saturday I managed to make it through breakfast at mens group in moderation, but not so hot the rest of the day, a little too much snacking. Today was the exact oppoiste, my wife worked late and she and the kids slept in, I got up and spent some time in the Word. Meditating on Romans 8 life in the spirit. And read through some psalms. Got my friends car back and walked home about a mile or so at noon, musta been close to 100 degrees. Later I worked in the yard and went for a second walk when the sun went down. Got to talk to my friend Dan who is planting a church in Rochester NY. He listened and provided some good counsel. Thanks Dan!! I needed to hear that. I am going forward in this and on. As John Wimber said the way in is the way on. Meaning as I entered into Christ by believing I must continue to believe. I am limitted, God is unlimitted, I have continual need. I came to Christ needing forgiveness, and I will continue to need forgiveness. The way in is the way on. Ya know what I mean??/

Friday, July 30, 2010

Journey 4/5

slipped up and missed documenting day 4, so will combine both 4/5 into today's entry. Well its official I need a plan for meals. My downfall this week has been poor planning, I definitely cut way back on the fast food, ate less and exercised every evening for 30-40 minutes. However I could have done better if I had a solid plan for meals. So with today being pay day I am going to visit the grocery store tomorrow and pick out some healthy stuff for meals. I think if I can limit the fat and calories and continue to increase my walking I will start seeing results. This was a fair start but with my three day weekends comes opportunities both for good and bad. I must start increasing my speed and time when walking and work on smaller meals. I am hoping to get back to eating only when hungry. However tomorrow morning at our mens group a guy is fixing breakfast: eggs, biscuits and sasuage, I must eat in moderation. Probably the best thing this week has been the energy and lifting of my mood when exercising and after exercising. I really can tell a big difference about 20-25 minutes into the walk and up until I stop and for the rest of the evening. I am a much nicer person to be around. If your reading keep me in your prayers. I know God's will is for me to lean on him and lose this weight and keep it off and I am believing that His desire is for me to see healing in my heart. I have carried a lot of guilt over how I have not been a good steward of my health. I know I am the temple of His Spirit and I know that part of worship and walking in the spirit is self control. I pray for that fruit to be developed in me as I daily allow Him to strengthen me. I am still meditating on a lot of healing scriptures and asking God to increase my faith to go from a hope, to belief to knowing that He has healed me.

JC out...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

DAY 3 Can you feel the Rhythm of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah?

Day 3 has gone much like Day 2 and Day 1. Again no breakfast, threw together lunch but felt obligated to hang out with friends from work. So I ate my lunch turkey sandwich and potatoes (mashed) from Red Rose Inn. and then went to the Mexican Restaurant with co workers. I did indulge in some free chips and salsa. Today went rather fast as I was in two sessions of court, a clinical staffing, and had some individual sessions with clients. Praying for vision to see and battle plans for The Fight. Recently I had the opportunity to visit IHOP in Kansas City and was introduced to a worship leader Misty Edwards, I came back with two CDs and three DVDs of her leading worship @ IHOP. I am hearing the refrain of one of her songs calling out to me: I can feel the rhythm of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. As I walk tonight I Will offer up Praise and Worship to Jesus for He is alone Worthy, he started a new thing in me and I do not want it to stop. I want to go deeper. I again am reminded of Experiencing God Truth: For God is continually pursuing a love relationship with us. Scripture says he Yearns for us. So I will intentionally connect with the only One who truly satisfies. Thankful today for a wife who is not afraid to speak truth in Love to me when I need it. Thanks Val.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

DAY 2 The Journey continues

Today is day two of the journey to defeat the sloth within. Overall I had a good day
I definitely need to plan out breakfast, and watch it when I get home from work. Those
are two areas i could improve on. I work a four day week, getting up about 5:45 am and returning home around 6:00 pm. So I drive to work and sit all day at a desk and then drive
home. I chose to bring lunch today instead of going out with the crew to a fast food place. I
ate fruit apple and peaches for snack. And when I got home I ate a small bowl of chili and a sandwich. Its a start. I just finished walking for about 35 minutes listenting to switchfoot.
I dare you to move had a whole new literally meaning today as I was walking the lake.
On a personl note tomorrow is my 20th wedding anniversary to say that we have been through alot its quite an understatement. I am thankful for my wife and kids and that is a big reason i am
doing what i am doing now. Thankful for new mercy everyday. The promise I am clinging to and believing/meditating on today and for a while now James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Just think the God of the universe, creator of all heaven and earth drawing near... That's quite a promise, I want to go from Believing this to Knowing this deep on the inside.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Going Public

Monday July 26th 2010 @ 2:45 I am officially going public with my battle with the bulge.

I am doing it for real folks, no more talking and no walking it. The Plan: Eat Less, (MUCH LESS)

Move More (LOTS MORE) and invite God into the process. I am formally serving notice to

the fridge, fast food, and a whole host of glutton demons my relationship with you is over!!

Today I am going to help myself in the following ways: No more unhealthy snacks, I just

saw what I believe to be a Peach or and several apples and a watermelon in the fridge... Hmmm

do i even remember what these items taste like... So no more junkfood, and smaller portions.

I will walk tonight for a minimum of 30 minutes and I will enjoy it, yes I will. So to end with some truth: I deliberately choose to submit my whole Husky self to God and resist the enemy by denying the flesh pattern of (overeating and other couch potato activies or inactivities). If I can simply learn to submit to the master He in turn not allow anything other than Himself to Master me. I am reminded of a cardiac nurses encouraging words to me- Quit treating your body like a garbage can.... sobering thought. I am the temple of the Spirit....