Saturday, August 14, 2010

God Wants to BLESS me??!!?!

Well here it is Saturday August 14, 2010, Wow how did that happen, just the other
day the kids were getting out of school for summer, and now here we go again they are
getting ready for a new year. The workout and diet continue, today at men's group
it became the discussion, a new friend of mine from work emailed me a bunch of
stuff on something called the Hallalujiah Diet. Basically it says God created everything
and man has messed it all up. To be healthy and whole you have to go back to God's original
plan: Fruits, Veggies, Nuts, Fish, etc. Anyways in our group there is a mixture of people
struggling with weight and health concerns and fit/healthy types. The group is open to including exercise and accountability with nutrition. I actually weighed myself today @ men's group along
with another guy. I was very much encouraged by my friends concern and willingness to enter
into the journey with me. So my plan is to take one week off work in September and implement a new eating plan. I am going to prep myself for it over the next couple weeks. Will keep you posted. Anyways the truth or light that keeps repeatedly coming to me in all kinds of different messages lately is : God the Creator of the Universe wants to BLESS me. He demonstrated that by sending Jesus into his creation and while we were still enemies and rebellious he took on our sin and died for us and made peace available to us so that we might have LIFE/SALVATION/FULLNESS/WHOLENESS: I am gonna say it, it is not God's desire in any way shape or form to see me suffer with this weight, in this body, dragged down by any disease. I am hereby repenting and renouncing my weak, compartmentalized, mental, intellectual, conceptual faith and trading it in for A REAL FAITH THAT WORKS AND OPERATES IN THE NASTY NOW AND NOW, I am asking God to grow my faith to get to a place where I know deep inside that HE is for me not against me and that I am complete, whole and healed in Jesus. I am learning to rebuke lies and speak and live in TRUTH. I am sick and tired of shaming the blessings of God, I want to actually experience and live and see Him @ work in me and through me so others might see Him. So get away from me you sarcastic, lying, doubting, dark spirits I am embracing the One who is Life, whose spirit is ALIVE in me therefore I am Alive in HIM. As DC TALK says: Seperated I cut myself clean from a past that comes back in the darkest of dreams-Now branded by a spirtual force, someting, something, something oh yeah... Anyways I am consciously starting to evaluate my thoughts, what I watch and read and think on. As I think on Truth, Read Truth, Worship Truth, Speak Truth I find lies harder to live with. I wanna speak truth, hope, faith, love into myself and others no more doubt, foolishness and sarcasm that has yielded nothing but darkness. Jesus suffered, died, and raised from the dead for me to be healed, empowered and filled with Him to experience Life not misery and poor me and lack. Hope this encouraged someone today, will be back sooner rather than later.



  1. You certainly are........... "MR. INCREDIBLE"! Good word brother. Thanks.

  2. Praising God and weeping as I read this post. The truth of this just bears witness with my spirit in such a powerful way. John 3:17 God is for us and not against.
    --Jackie Probasco
